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21 Super-Cute Animals With Super Cuter Names

 21 Super-Cute Animals With Super Cuter Names

Créer un nom pour votre nouvel ami à quatre pattes n'est pas une tâche facile. Tout comme les enfants, leurs noms influenceront la façon dont ils se font des amis et leur présenteront de nouvelles personnes.

Eh bien, d'accord, c'est peut-être un peu exagéré, mais nos enfants à fourrure font partie de la famille!

Peu importe à quel point vous pensez ou ne pas mettre le nom de votre petite amie, ces petits ont des noms qui peuvent rivaliser avec leur apparence ridiculement magnifique.

1. Well, Dracula isn't as "cute" as he appears in the movies, but this cat changes the rules.

2. A pug named Poncho? Stop it. Stop it right now.

3. Fudge is just as sweet as his name sake.

4. And Monroe? Well, she’s quite the flirt.

5. I could actually eat Mochi right up.

6. “Cooper…Special Agent Dale Cooper.”

7. “That’s MISTER Samuel L. Barkson to you, sir.”

8. I think Dobby is definitely fitting here.

9. This regal boy took some hikers on a quest — they dubbed him Gandalf.

10. “Hi! I’m Reese. Hi there. Hi!”

11. I just fell in love with Daisy Mae. If you didn’t, you have no soul.

12. You wouldn’t guess it, but Gizmo is a girl.

13. Braille was born without eyes, but she’s the apple of ours.

14. “Found this guy hiding in my wife’s car. We named him Dipstick.” I’m in love.

15. Rescue Helicopter was named by a three-year-old.

16. Barnaby has reached peak relaxation levels.

17. Everyone, say hello to Stache.

18. Thor rules with his mighty adorable eyes.

19. Yuki, you cutie.

20. Miso is the most beautiful cat I’ve ever laid eyes on.

19. “I have a pot bellied pig named Bacon, so this is my new pug Eggs…” Appropriate.

Man, I wish I had a cool name like Rescue Helicopter!

What did you name your fur baby? Share it with us in the comments!

