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The Kiwi: 8 things to know about this exceptional bird!

kiwi bird new zealand

In our daily life, it is common that we evoke the kiwi to designate other than a fruit; And yet, the latter does have something in common with a little bird of the same name, same color and shape, and they are both originally from New Zealand. If it is relatively unknown to us, it is not the same thing in this country which is located at the end of the world! In this article we present 8 things to know about this bird, which was born never to fly.

1. It is the emblem of New Zealand

The kiwi, the most famous bird in New Zealand, and it is a real symbol in this country. Appeared on military badges for the first time at the scales of the nineteenth century. And during World War I, the nickname "Kiwis" was given to New Zealand soldiers, after that this nickname spread to become surname of all New Zealanders, it is also featured on the 1 $ NZ (New Zealand dollar). New Zealanders themselves are very attached to it, and that it is part of the traditional fauna for him. This little bird is indeed used to symbolize the uniqueness and the natural and cultural riches of this country. Already for the Maori, the kiwi was a precious creature and synonymous with renown. Today, it is considered and protected in the same way as a public treasure and an ancestral heritage.

2. It is an endemic animal

You won't be able to see a kiwi anywhere other than New Zealand. It is indeed an endemic species that has developed for centuries.

But consider, it is better to know how to show tolerance to see a kiwi in the wild. These birds are very fearful and come out mainly at night for food. It is therefore rather uncommon to meet them. New Zealand offers this bird an ideal environment to live, because it prefers forest environments, scrub, grasslands with tall grasses. The Kiwi lives in burrows, inside trunks or under ferns, which it digs into the ground with the help of its its beak and its powerful claws.

3. There are 5 subspecies of The kiwi

The kiwis are still divided into 5 distinct branches, the Mantell Kiwi, the Okarito Kiwi, the Roa Kiwi, the Southern Kiwi, and the Owen Kiwi, It is the only kiwi that is not considered threatened today. These birds come from the same family as the Australian Emu, and still look very similar to each other.

4. He does not fly

The kiwi is one of the rare birds that cannot fly. The causes of this inability to fly are said to have arisen from a long and slow evolution of the species, but this can be explained by their feathers resembling hairs, and the reduced size of the wings of a bird, and They do not have muscles powerful enough to operate them. It is for these reasons the Kiwi cannot fly.

There are other flightless birds like the ostrich, the Australian emu, Rhea, Cassowary and, of course, penguins. Kiwis move by walking on the ground and it is a fast running creature.

According to Maori legend, this bird lived high in trees and had formidable wings. One day, the god of the forest, Tane, asked birds to live at the foot of trees to protect them from insects. Only the kiwi sacrificed its wings for the forest.

5. He is in danger of extinction

the Kiwi is registered on the red list of the IUPN (International Union for the Preservation of Nature), estimates that there are today less than 70,000 in all the country. Among the five extant kiwi species, there are four in circumstance of vulnerability. Owen's Kiwi, It is the only kiwi that is not considered endangered today.

There are several factors to put the kiwi in the list of endangered species, on its head is massive deforestation. The other is the introduction of predators such as rats, ferrets, stoats, cats, pigs, dogs and possums which are its main predators of this bird. Also the Kiwi  are not afraid of predators and they are fragile in the face of them. The eggs laid by the kiwi fruit are not well hidden and it is within easy reach of anyone.

Photo shows the influence of the deforestation phenomenon in New Zealand

                   Photo shows the influence of the deforestation phenomenon in New Zealand

6-The kiwi with one egg among the largest eggs in the world.

The New Zealand kiwi bird lays the largest eggs relative to its size with a white color, the kiwi is about the size of a chicken, but it lays eggs which are about three times the size of a chicken egg, the egg represents 20% of the weight of the female kiwi, the latter only lays one or sometimes two eggs per year.

bird, kiwi, new zealand, skeleton, egg,

Nice photo of a female Kiwi skeleton with her big egg in her belly.

7-His foods are very varied

The kiwi is omnivorous. It eats insects, invertebrates, spiders, larvae, snails, fallen fruit, and amphibians that it finds while searching the ground with its long beak. The bird is nocturnal, and it lives in the burrows it has dug. Only comes out at night to look for food, its sense of smell is very developed, with the help of a sort of mustache around the beak and also the nostrils at the end of the beak, which allows it to locate its prey well the smell. On the other hand, his sight is very limited. Indeed, he does not see far than 50 cm.

8- The kiwi is a monogamous bird

Like all birds, the kiwi is oviparous, It reproduces between March and June, Once the egg has been laid, the female calls and stings the male with her beak to force him to stay in the nest. The male alone incubates the egg for 65 to 80 days. After hatching, the little kiwi will not become an adult until it is six years old, and the cool thing is that a kiwi can live 30 to 35 years. 

You can watch an extract of a kiwi bird in the wild :



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